Are you creative? or Artistic? Do you know the difference?

I’ve been teaching acrylic painting classes for several years now. There are a few phrases that I hear quite often at the beginning of a class that always strike me funny.

Keep in mind, most of my students are first time painters, or at least haven’t painted since childhood. They usually show up doubting themselves and assuming the worst. They can’t imagine how they will be able to paint something in a couple of hours and actually like it! So they typically arrive, laughing, and saying things like…

OH BOY! this will be good!”, “I can’t even draw stick figures!”,
or “I can’t even draw a straight line!”
OH yeah, I hear these all the time! !

I realize they’re exaggerating, but still. I just like to point out that nearly EVERYONE, age 2 and up, can draw a stick figure!
It’s one of the very first things we ever learned to draw, all of us! And none of us ever forgot how.

Stick figure painting stick figures
Even a stick figure can
draw stick figures!

And the straight line bit? Well, most people CAN’T draw a straight line, without a ruler or a straight edge of something! (Granted, some of us can get it pretty close, but usually in paintings and most art forms, a perfectly straight line isn’t necessary, anyway. Just as long as it’s straight-ish. – obviously architects would disagree! But then again, they use a ruler!)
Anyway, although I realize the things they say are exaggerations,
my point is…most of us don’t give ourselves enough credit.

Semi straight, free hand lines.
Straight-ish is good enough for me!

Other popular phrases include:
“I’m not creative at all!” Or “I used to be decent but haven’t painted/drawn/whatever since I was younger.”

First of all, if you were ever good at drawing, painting, or any creative art form, you’re most likely still good at it now! It’s also very possible that you’re good at other creative things as well. I believe every person I’ve ever met who has or at some point had some form of creativity in their lives, whether it’s music, drawing, baking, writing, or whatever, are very good at painting as well. They often surprise themselves!

“Every child is an artist, the problem is
staying an artist when you grow up.”
-Pablo Picasso

So many people leave those fun creative things behind once they’ve left school. Whether it was college, high school or grade school the last time you touched a paint brush or pencil, if you now feel like it’s been so long that you are no longer good at it, or maybe even feel you don’t remember HOW to do it…trust me, you can! It’s like riding a bike, you just have to get back into it. Give it a try, and give it some time. You’ll soon remember how enjoyable it is and likely realize how good you actually are. Find that inner child and let your creative wings fly!

And speaking of creativity, let me now get to the title of this post!
(I often get off track… or most often need a preface to my stories.
But don’t we all?)

SO! What is the difference in being artistic and creative?
I believe that an artistic person is someone who is capable of drawing, painting, sculpting, etc. They know how and have the talent to do it. Even if only when looking at another person’s work for inspiration. However, an artistic person is not always creative.

While an artistic person may be able to look at a picture and draw it pretty well, a creative person is someone who either had their own idea to begin with, or put their own creative spin on a concept inspired by someone else. Creative people create their own ideas. Being creative doesn’t always mean you are artistic either, you may be creative in certain ways but not in painting, drawing, etc. But then again, have you tried? Maybe you are artistic and don’t even realize it.

“Creativity is intelligence having fun” – Albert Einstein

We are ALL inspired by others!

Regardless, there is no right or wrong here. Being creative is a win win every time! Even if you don’t consider yourself as ‘artistic’ strive to be creative! Whether it’s arts n crafts, cooking, writing, scrap booking, anything! Having a creative outlet is always good for the soul. Creativity never runs out either. The more you create, the more creative you become. The most important thing is to believe you can do it. Try it! Don’t sell yourself short, you know it’s in there somewhere… find it and unlock it!

“You can’t use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have.”

-Maya Angelou
Resin art pieces by Melissa Cain – photo by Katie Brown
